
Jetconf is an implementation of the RESTCONF protocol for remote management of network devices and services.

YANG 1.1 data modelling language is also fully supported.

Jetconf is written in Python 3 language and available as open source software under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 license.

Requirements and Restrictions

Jetconf is a compliant RESTCONF implementation supporting all mandatory features.

Although it is written in Python, it should be fast enough to support large configuration databases with moderate rate of changes. A typical use can may be an authoritative TLD name server in which Jetconf covers both server management and domain provisioning.

Jetconf supports only the JSON data encoding, i.e. media types with the +json structured syntax suffix, such as application/

Jetconf supports only HTTP/2 transport. Entity tags (ETag headers) can be generated for all data resources, whereas timestamps (Last-Modified headers) are supported for all container-like resources, i.e. not for individual leaf and leaf-list instances.


Jetconf uses YANGSON library, which is responsible for storage, validation and manipulation with YANG data. This library utilizes an in-memory persistent structure called “Zipper” where the YANG data are kept in.

Jetconf also provides an option to serialize data into .json file on each commit, which ensures that all configuration data will be persistent among server startups.

Additionally, the datastore can have an access control module associated with it. If so, every read/write operation will be verified with this ACM.

Access Control

The current version of Jetconf implements NACM access control system, which enables to specify fine-grained access permissions to particular data resources.

The NACM data can only be edited by privileged users in startup Configuration options.

Jetconf Server Loop

  1. The client opens a secure TLS connection.
  2. The client is authenticated via a client certificate. The certificate of the CA that issued the client certificate needs to be specified in the configuration file. The e-mail or commonName field obtained from the client certificate is henceforth used as the username, in particular for access control. If the client cannot be authenticated, for example because his certificate has expired or because it was not issued by correct CA, the connection is terminated.
  3. The server waits for an incoming client request.
  4. A received request is parsed and handed over to the appropriate component. If the media type specified is not supported (in particular, is not +json), 415 Unsupported Media Type is sent, If the message is otherwise invalid, 400 Bad Request is sent.
  5. The NACM data are queried to determine which groups the user is a member of.
  6. Depending on the type of the request (read, write or RPC operation invocation) and the Request-URI, the required permissions are determined, and the NACM database is checked to verify that the user possess all of them. If not, 403 Forbidden is sent.
  7. If the request is an RPC operation, it is invoked and an appropriate reply or error message generated.
  8. If the request is a read operation, the corresponding data are retrieved from the datastore and formatted into a reply, or an error status code is returned.
  9. If the request is a write operation, the changes are applied using a persistent structure API (so that the original unmodified configuration remains available). The new configuration is passed to the YANGSON library for validation. If the validation succeeds, the new configuration is written to non-volatile memory, and passed to server instrumentation that applies the necessary changes. An appropriate response or error code is generated and sent.
  10. After finishing one of the steps 7, 8 or 9, the server returns to step 3.

Python Modules

  • rest_server: a module providing the HTTP/2 and user authentication functionality for REST operations,
  • http_handlers: handlers connecting HTTP requests to datastore operations,
  • data: datastore implementation,
  • nacm: basic NACM implementation,
  • config: a module for reading and parsing the config file,
  • helpers: static helper classes shared across modules,
  • op_internal: implementation of Jetconf internal RPCs,
  • errors: definition of exceptions used in Jetconf.